Why choose the International Bond?

The International Bond from Standard Life International dac offers:

  • Tax-efficient growth: your clients won't normally pay tax on any investment growth
  • Control over tax: your clients don't normally pay any tax until they take their money out of the bond
  • A wide investment choice: clients can choose from a range of investments to meet their goals


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Benefits for your clients

icon Tax-efficient growth

Money can grow tax efficiently – because they don't normally pay tax on investment growth.


icon Pay tax later

Each year, your client can take out up to 5% of the total amount paid into the bond, and pay any tax at a later date.


refresh Flexible withdrawals

Clients can take the money they’ve saved as one-off withdrawals or as regular income.


icon More control over tax

Tax is normally paid when money is taken out the bond – and it’s based on their situation at that time.


icon Wide investment choice

Choose from investments, including funds, deposit accounts and discretionary investment managers.


icon Transfer family wealth

Investing in this bond can be an effective way to protect your client's estate and reduce inheritance tax.


International Bond options

The International Bond can be written on a Life Assurance or Capital Redemption basis – and single, additional single and recurrent payments may be made with either option.

The International Bond can also be invested in through a platform General Investment Account (GIA). More information about investing in our International Bond via one of our platform partners can be found here.

Life Assurance option

This option is a lump sum, non-qualifying, whole of life, offshore investment-linked life assurance contract.


Six lives can be assured, and cover ends on the death of the last life assured, though it can be surrendered earlier.

Capital Redemption option

This option is a lump sum, offshore investment linked insurance contract, which has a fixed term of 99 years, though it can be surrendered earlier.


If the bond’s still in force after 99 years, we’ll pay the higher of the guaranteed maturity value or cash-in value of the bond at the maturity date.

Documents to read and download

document Why choose our International Bond?

Read the key benefits for your clients, why you should work with us and how we can help your business.

View the guide

Document Statement of target market

Read our statement of target market for client suitability information for the International Bond. 

View statement of target market


Document icon Standard Life International and Solvency II

Read our International Bond protection document for policyholder protection information on our International Bond.

View the report

Important information

  • The International Bond is an Insurance Based Investment Product (IBIP) covered by the Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD) and provided by Standard Life International dac.
  • It is sold cross-border to UK, Channel Islands and Isle of Man residents and is available to individuals, corporate entities and trustees.
  • We've defined it as a complex product as it offers exposure to financial instruments deemed complex under MiFID II and incorporates a structure which could make it difficult for customers to understand the risk involved
  • There is no Financial Services Compensation Scheme protection with this product. See the Key Features Documents below for full details:

    Capital redemption option (212KB)

    Life assurance option (694KB)

Money invested is at risk. Tax may change in the future.

This website is for financial advisers only and must not be relied on by anyone else. If you’re not an adviser, please go to our customer website for more information about our products and services.