Meeting people who have shared similar experiences can help. In peer support everyone's views and experiences are equally valued, rather than anyone being seen as more of an expert than others. How much support you give and receive can vary depending on what feels right for you at different times.
You can chat to people through online forums and communities. Some charities also run face-to-face or online video support groups.
Review support from Carers UK
Caring for others can be a rewarding but challenging job. Caring for someone can take its toll on your physical and mental health, social life, career and relationships. Taking time out to look after yourself is important if you're to continue supporting yourself and the person you're caring for.
You may find it helpful to speak to other people who understand the issues carers can face.
There is a range of local services available to provide support to anyone providing informal unpaid care.
Your local Age UK can offer practical and emotional support and provide opportunities for respite from caring duties.
Carers UK local service finder
Age UK carers support
When you're going through a difficult time, it can be easy to keep your worries to yourself and believe that you're the only one experiencing these feelings.
All the emotions you might be feeling are understandable. But it's important that you acknowledge these feelings and look for ways to both help yourself and find support from outside – there is help available.
Counselling directory