The value of your investment can go down as well as up and you may get back less than you paid in. Laws and tax rules may change in the future. Your own circumstances and where you live in the UK also have an impact on tax treatment.

What is a Tailored Investment Bond?

The Standard Life Tailored Investment Bond, also known as an Onshore Bond, could be an option if you want to grow your money over the medium to long term. This usually means investing for five years or more.

You need to make a minimum investment of £15,000, or £60,000 if you choose the Discounted Gift Plan. You may be able to make additional payments subject to a minimum payment of £2,500 per payment. This option is not available for the Discounted Gift Plan or Loan Plan.

You can take regular tax-deferred withdrawals of up to 5% of your original payment each year, or one-off withdrawals at any time. Withdrawals of more than 5% per year may be subject to income tax. If you set up your bond in trust, it can also be used to pass money on to your loved ones.

Please read our Key Information Document to find out more.


You may find a Tailored Investment Bond meets your needs if:

  • You're looking for a tax-efficient way to save for the future
  • You're thinking about protecting your estate against inheritance tax
  • You're planning to gift money to your family or friends


How can you invest with a Tailored Investment Bond?

With the Tailored Investment Bond you have the freedom to invest in a wide range of funds that can help you meet your goals. You can even invest more in your bond and switch funds whenever you want *.

We have more information on the funds available under the Tailored Investment Bond. To see your choices, please read the Supplementary Information Documents available on our Check your Funds tool.

*You can switch in and out of funds at any time, although conditions may apply.