The value of all investments can go down as well as up and could be worth less than was paid in. We recommend that you regularly review your investments to make sure they remain appropriate for you and they're on track to meet your goals.

What is Future Advantage?

Future Advantage is a risk-rated range of five investment options. It allows you to choose an investment option that matches your own attitude to risk and investment aims, to and through retirement. 

  • Each Future Advantage option is rated 1-5, with 1 being the lowest risk and 5 the highest 

  • These options aim to balance risk and potential return, targeting growth in the long term 

  • The higher the risk, generally the higher the potential return. However, the value of investments can potentially fall more significantly and you may get back less than you invest.  

Read our Future Advantage funds customer guide to help you find the option that's right for you.


Choosing a Future Advantage investment 

Use our online risk questionnaire to decide how much risk you’re comfortable taking, and then choose the risk level that’s right for you.  

Lower riskLower to medium riskMedium riskMedium to higher riskHigher risk1234554321

You can change your investment option at any time and it’s a good idea to get in the habit of reviewing your investments regularly.  

A mix of investment types

Investments are affected in different ways by different factors. When one investment rises, another can fall.

Having a mix of investments in different countries and investment types can help to smooth returns.

Future Advantage options cover a range of different investment types, including equities (stocks and shares), bonds, property and money market instruments (including cash) funds and we review the range regularly. 


Responsible investment approach for equity (stocks and shares)

The Future Advantage range includes a responsible investment approach for the equity (stocks and shares) investments included in each fund.  

Responsible investing means considering environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks and opportunities when deciding where to invest money. 

There are many different ways to invest responsibly. We’re focused on growing your pension pot so we’ll look at the areas of responsible investing that we believe can achieve this.   

You can find out more about how Standard Life approaches responsible investment on our dedicated page.  


More detail

Read each fund's infographic to find out more.

It's a good idea to check your investments regularly to make sure they are still meeting your needs. 

As part of Phoenix Group, we’re on a journey to becoming net zero by 2050. Find out how we’ll continue to support a better financial future for our customers, while considering our investment in carbon emitting sectors in our Net Zero Transition Plan. Standard Life is part of Phoenix Group and the data shown is for the combined Phoenix Group.