Retirement planning explained
Need help understanding what retirement means for you and how to get the most out of your savings? Our guides, tools and services are designed to help you understand what you need to think about and where to get help making the big decisions.
Retirement guides
How much money will you need to retire on comfortably? How can you take your pension money when you retire? We have lots of information to help you plan ahead for when you choose to stop working.
Saving for retirement
Find out why saving more now can make a big difference when you come to retire. This guide has tips and information that can help.
Ways to take your pension
You have options when it comes to taking money from your pension. This guide can help you compare your options to help you decide.
What is retirement?
A guide to retirement basics. When you can retire, what your options might be, when you can claim the State Pension.
Ways to take money from your pension savings
Our guides have the information that can help you choose the option that works best for you.
Guaranteed income
Also known as an annuity. Find out how you could use your pension money to buy a regular, guaranteed income that lasts for the rest of your life.
Flexible drawdown
Want to take money from your pension savings when you like and keep the rest invested? Find out how drawdown can help if you want to take pension money at your own pace.
Take it all as cash
You can usually take your pension as one or more lump sums at 55 (rising to 57 from 6 April 2028). Find out how it works and the main things to watch out for, such as running out of money and more.
Retirement tools
We have a range of tools and calculators to help you prepare for retirement. They're quick, easy to use and can give you useful information.
Retirement calculator
Our quick calculator can help you see what you can do with your pension savings.
Retirement income options
We can help you compare your retirement options quickly and at a glance. Give it a try to see what could be right for you
Retirement costs tool
Do you know what your ideal lifestyle will cost after retirement? This quick and easy tool can work out an annual cost in just a few clicks.