Best of MoneyPlus 2024: Five of our most popular articles
Find out which topics our readers have been most interested in in 2024.

Over the last year, we’ve covered everything from your most-asked questions to our top tax tips in our monthly MoneyPlus newsletter. But which topics caught our readers’ attention the most? If you missed them the first time around, you can catch up on five of our most read articles of 2024 here.
1. Keeping the pension tax you pay down
Paying tax on your pension savings is a normal part of retirement – but lots of you wanted to know how you can keep it to a minimum.
Get a recap on how the tax on your pension works and read our top three tax tips in Want to avoid paying too much tax on your pension pot? Here are three things you could do.
2. Getting to grips with your pension investments
Money that’s paid into a pension plan gets invested. We look at a few things to consider when it comes to your pension investments in How to check and choose your pension investments.
3. Making the most of higher pension allowances
Pension allowances increased in 2023, meaning you can now pay more into your pension plan while still getting tax benefits on your payments. So, understandably, you wanted to know how to make the most of these higher allowances.
Missed out on our top tips? Read How to make the most of higher pension allowances to catch up.
4. Taking money from your pension while you work
This year, many people wanted to know if they can start taking money from their pension plan before they’ve waved goodbye to work. We tell you if this is possible and give you five important things to consider in Can I take money from my pension plan at 55 and still work?
5. Are you missing some retirement income?
When you’re relying on your pension savings to see you through retirement, it’s important to make sure you know where every penny is.
It’s quite common for people to lose track of some of their pension savings, especially if they’ve changed job. But there are ways to find your money – as you’ll see in our article Are you missing some retirement income? Here’s how to track it down.
The information in these articles should not be regarded as financial advice and is based on our understanding in December 2024.
A pension is an investment. Its value can go down as well as up and could be worth less than was paid in.
Your own personal circumstances, including where you live in the UK, will have an impact on the tax you pay. Laws and tax rules may change in the future.
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