How to translate responsible investing jargon for your members

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Workplace Thought Leadership Team

July 04, 2024

1 mins read

Most people expect us to be managing their pension responsibly and over half would like to learn more about responsible investing. But complexity stands in their way. Do your members know their ESG from their impact investing, or their stewardship from their screening? Our jargon buster can help you engage them in their pensions.  

Our ongoing responsible investing customer research reveals that returns and managing risk continue to be people's top priorities when it comes to their pension investments. But most also want their pensions to avoid investment in harmful activities and to support a more sustainable future where possible.  Almost six in ten want to understand more about responsible investing. But nearly a third find information on the subject too complicated, acting as a barrier to learning. Other obstacles include not knowing where to look, and lack of time.1  

At Standard Life, responsible investing is first and foremost about helping members aim for a good retirement. To meet members’ desire for more knowledge, and to support the way you talk to them about responsible investing, we’ve put together a jargon buster. It gives clear definitions of many common terms, including sustainability, responsible investing, ESG and anti-greenwashing, along with some useful links to more in-depth information.  



1Source: Standard Life Responsible Investing Viewpoint 2023 

  • “Most people expect us to be managing their pension responsibly and over half would like to learn more about responsible investing.” Pages 4 and 18
  • “…returns and managing risk continue to be people's top priorities…” Page 6
  • “…most also want their pensions to avoid investment in harmful activities…”. Page 10
  • “…six in ten want to understand more…” Page 18
  • “…nearly a third find information on the subject too complicated…” Page 20

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