Fund information
You can use our fund tool below to find all the information you need about funds, including prices, performance, charges and fact sheets.
Members with a good understanding about investments can use the tool to research hundreds of funds from leading fund managers. These cover different asset classes, regions and investment styles.
Bear in mind that these funds aren't a recommendation. Any members who choose to make their own investment choices should make sure they've selected funds that meet their needs and attitude to risk, and that they are confident about managing and monitoring regularly. A default option might be more suitable for members who don't have investment expertise.
We dedicate significant resources to selecting funds, and they are regularly reviewed as part of our investment governance processes.
- To find out more about the importance of investment governance, you can download our investment governance guide
- And to understand more about how investments are selected responsibly, please visit our Responsible Investment page
The value of your members' investments can go down as well as up and they may get back less than they paid in.
What next?
I want to leave pensions investment decisions to experts
All about our off-the-shelf investment options
Find out how members feel about responsible investing
Our ongoing research into members' needs and preferences
The role of strong stewardship in sustainable investment
Meet our Head of Stewardship and find out why it's so important