Your members' interests at heart
The Standard Life Independent Governance Committee, or IGC, is an independent oversight committee, founded in 2015. Pension providers like Standard Life must have one, specifically to work in the interests of customers – including the members of your Standard Life contract-based workplace pension schemes.
On this page you'll be able to find out what the committee does, read their latest annual report, learn about the committee members, and find out how your members can get in touch with them and give them feedback
How the IGC works
The committee take an active role in carrying out its duties and this means encouraging feedback and input from employers and workplace pension scheme members.
What the Independent Governance Committee does
The IGC’s central purpose is its commitment to the development of stronger, higher-value pension products for anyone whose money is invested in saving for retirement through a pension scheme. For Standard Life, that means the main role of the committee is to assess the value for money provided by Phoenix Life Limited, trading as Standard Life, contract-based workplace pension schemes.
Since the committee was founded, more areas of responsibility have emerged as the purpose and role of independent governance committees is developed by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). This includes, for example, assessing how well Standard Life fulfils the stewardship responsibilities that come with being a significant investor in UK companies. You can find out more about these different areas of responsibility in the annual report section below.
Speaking up for your members
If the committee agrees that value for money isn’t being provided, it will raise this with Standard Life for their consideration.
If the IGC isn't satisfied with the responses received from Standard Life it will escalate this to the FCA. The IGC also has the authority to communicate its concerns to you and your members.
Your members can contact the IGC here by email:
Listening to your members
While the IGC don't deal with individual complaints, they do want and value member feedback. They would like your members’ views on their pension plan and the service they receive from Standard Life. Their views are a really important part of reviewing the value for money of Standard Life workplace pension schemes.
This isn’t just the case at the start of a new pension scheme - the IGC focus on all aspects of the plan across its lifetime aim of providing a good outcome in retirement.
Please note - there is no guarantee that any email you send will be received or will not have been tampered with. You should not send personal or confidential details by email.
Reporting back to you and your members
As well as encouraging feedback, the committee is keen for employers and members to read their latest annual report. You can find this below together with a video introduction to its contents.
The annual report - 2023
The report for 2023 is structured around five key value-for-money areas:
- Our opinion on the value for money provided by Standard Life
- Our consideration of your feedback
- The concerns raised with Standard Life and how they responded
You can download a copy of the IGC Annual Report 2023 for your members:
Meet the board members
Reports and documents
IGC full terms of reference
You can download the IGC’s full terms of reference here.
IGC full terms of referenceStatement from Phoenix and SLAL IGC on the Covid-19 pandemic
The IGC has monitored and reported on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on pension scheme members. You can download their statement here.
Covid-19 Pandemic StatementWhat next?
I want easy investment options for my workplace pension scheme members
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Discover how we approach stewardship
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